
PPC for Lead Generation: How to Get More Leads with PPC

The Benefits of Utilizing Pay-Per-Click Advertising for Your Lead Generation Strategy

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is an inexpensive and effective way to attract qualified traffic to your website. It’s one of the easiest ways to advertise, as well – but it takes some time to master all the moving parts. There are a variety of benefits that PPC targeting options can provide for your business.

PPC Tips to Keep in Mind:

  • Most PPC providers, like Google Ads and Twitter Ads, serve ads to your potential customers based on keywords they use in search engines or on their social media profiles.
  • In order to launch a PPC campaign, you need to select which keywords you want to target, write a few lines of ad copy, and determine how much you’re willing to pay for each ad.
  • But if you want to use PPC for lead generation, you’ll also need to design a landing page with multimedia elements and contact forms that entice your visitors to convert into leads. You can also A/B test these different elements in order to maximize your results.
  • Though it might sound overwhelming, PPC lead generation services can transform the way your website gains its traffic.

PPC Campaigns Give You Analytical Data

PPC allows you to see data that is helpful in generating leads for your business. For example, your PPC campaign may show how many people have clicked on your ad, how much you’ve paid to date, how much of your budget remains, and more (depending on your provider).

By having access to this information, you can more effectively target the customers that are looking for your services.

PPC Allows You to Target Specific Keywords

If you see that potential customers are looking for “comfy leather chairs,” for example, and you don’t have content that targets that keyword, you should add it to your site and optimize it for that phrase. The more you can appeal to your target audience, the more likely you’ll be to earn new leads!

Keyword research can be done in many ways, but it all starts with judging the value of a keyword for your company based on what your customers want. The value of a keyword to your company should be how valuable the keyword is to your audience.

From there, you have many tools you could use to get you started in your keyword research.

It’s also important to consider keyword difficulty, customer intent of keywords, and the competition you’ll have while targeting any given keyword.

target keywords

PPC Marketing Lets You Target Exactly Who You Want to Reach

By tailoring your keywords to your customer audience, you can easily attract them to your site.

For example, if you’re a contractor in a small town, you can target the keyword “home improvement in [your town]” or “build a house in [your town].” This allows you to appeal to the target demographic that you serve.

PPC Offers Many Different Targeting Options

When you set up a PPC campaign, you can modify your keywords for better targeting. These PPC lead targeting options include broad match, modified broad match, phrase match, exact match, and negative match.

Broad Match- This means your ad will show up for anyone who searches for any part of your keyword. So if you target the word “San Francisco dry cleaners,” your ad will compete to show up in search results for “San Francisco” as well.

Modified Broad Match- This lets you choose one keyword in a phrase to target specifically. So if you target “San Francisco dry cleaners,” you can also show up in searches for “cleaners.”

Phrase Match- This type lets you target a specific phrase. For this ad to appear, a search engine user must use the phrase that you have set to see your ad. So if you target “San Francisco dry cleaners” with a phrase match, you’ll also show up for “best San Francisco dry cleaners,” “affordable San Francisco dry cleaners,” and similar queries.

Exact Match Keywords- This allows you to enter a specific phrase so that your keywords only show up for that phrase. So if your ad for “San Francisco dry cleaners” would only show up for potential customers using those exact words in that exact order.

Lastly, negative words can be used to choose keywords that you don’t want to trigger your ad. So if you target “San Francisco dry cleaners,” you could elect not to show up for “San Francisco dry” since that keyword has no relevance to your business. Negative keywords aren’t used often, but they can help make sure you don’t waste money on on-site visitors who won’t convert into leads.

money made from ppc lead generation

PPC Provides Clear ROI

One of the best parts of running a PPC campaign is that it’s easy to take an in-depth look at your ROI. You can break your campaigns down and see how much revenue you’re earning from each keyword and ad set.  Google Ads has a great user interface for ad management that clearly separates campaigns and reports on what you want to see!

Based on this information, you can alter your campaigns to focus on only the most effective keywords in order to maximize your returns.

PPC is Instantaneous

Launching a PPC campaign is like flipping a switch. You can start seeing new traffic and leads from PPC ads the same day you launch them!

This sets PPC apart from other Internet marketing strategies like search engine optimization (SEO) or social media marketing. Both of those strategies take some time to start showing results, while PPC shows them instantly.  As a result, it is very important to keep up to date with your campaigns through PPC lead generation management, to evaluate and improve over time.

This makes PPC one of the most streamlined and efficient strategies out there!

PPC Sends Visitors Exactly Where They Want to Go

When you make a lead generation ad, it’s important to give your potential customers what they want in as few clicks as possible. If the ad is for a cleaning service, it should take visitors directly to the page on your website that gives them information on what they want and puts them in direct contact with the service they want.

The landing page should offer a place for potential customers to sign up to learn more about your services. Landing pages most often include a contact form asking for visitors’ names and email addresses. This gives you the opportunity to reach out to your new leads and move them through the sales funnel.

This is why the landing page is so important, if it doesn’t offer what customers want, you’ll lose potential customers – and money on your PPC ads.

PPC Can be a Part of a Broader Marketing Strategy

In order to successfully generate leads with your PPC campaign, you need to look at the big picture and how it fits into the rest of your marketing strategy.

Your ads should target keywords that your customers use to find your products. Those ads should link to landing pages on your site that give them what they want. And the content on those landing pages should compel someone to convert into a new lead.

If any part of that equation doesn’t work with another part, your campaign simply won’t get you the leads or conversion rates that you want.

Do you want to use PPC for lead generation?

We have all the tools and expertise to create an effective PPC plan for your company and can’t wait to get you started!

Contact us today for more information about our PPC services and get a free quote!

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