Lead Generation Techniques
All over the world, small and large business owners are looking for ways to generate quality leads for their companies. There are many options to create the perfect lead generation campaign for your company, and on this page, we’ll take a look at some of our favorites.
Hire a Professional SEO Company
Though you can always do basic SEO on your own, a specialist will be able to provide you with information that you wouldn’t typically be able to find on your own.
Some of this information includes keyword rankings and recommendations, inbound link opportunities, and in-depth website analysis. All of these aspects are extremely important in knowing what your website needs to target and convert more quality leads.
A professional SEO company will also ensure that your website publishes quality content that is useful to your customers.
In addition, SEO companies can optimize your technical SEO, making sure that your code, as well as your title and meta tags are updated.
All of these tactics allow your website to rank higher in search results pages and increase the likelihood that potential customers will click on your site and find out more information about the services you provide.
Use Email Drip Campaigns
Drip campaigns allow your company to sell, resell, educate and offer incentives for users to consider your services.
A drip campaign starts with an initial email that is used to spark the interest of potential customers. Then, you can follow up with customized information based on a visitor’s activity on your website.
For example, if someone checks out email marketing tips on your website or blog, you can send an eBook that contains more helpful information on the topic.
Drip campaigns allow you to stay in contact with your leads and eventually convert them into paying customers.
Get to Know your Potential Clients
People aren’t going to commit to your service if you first don’t create a bond and makes them comfortable with spending their money on what you have to offer.
By building a connection and relationship with these potential leads, you will encourage them to select your company.
Collect Emails with Polls and Free Information
Most of the time, people won’t just hand over their email addresses.
However, you can offer content, such as quizzes, eBooks, or guides, and require people to enter their email addresses to receive access.
One tactic would be to produce a quiz on your site that visitors can take. At the end of the quiz, don’t allow the results to be revealed unless they provide you with their email address.
You can also offer free information about your company or industry in the form of a free eBook, but only if the customer forks over their contact information.
Be Active on Social Media
Social Media is an outlet that is becoming exponentially more popular as the year’s pass.
More Internet-goers spend time on social media than any other online platform, therefore reaching the most viewers. That is why social media is one of the most crucial ways to create leads, simply because you will get the most viewers there.
Some of the most important social platforms to generate leads include Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter.
Use Referral Systems and Testimonials
Having your previous customers recommend your company or endorse it through a testimonial allows potential leads and customers to have the reassurance that you’re the real deal.
The more people you can get to speak to about the greatness of your company, the more others will trust your company which easily becomes a snowball effect.
If the idea of telemarketing makes you shutter because of your own experiences, consider this: What if those telemarketers contacting you were marketing something that you were actually interested in?
When used in conjunction with other marketing tools, such as lead targeting, telemarketing can be a great method of finding leads. Make a list of individuals and companies that you think would be a good fit, or be interested in your company. When done in this way, your telemarketers aren’t calling individuals that aren’t interested in your services.
Host Special Events
If you are looking for leads, hosting a special event that offers insight into your services and your company as a whole can be extremely beneficial. Forming a close bond with potential clients will make all the difference in the long run.
Narrow Down your Techniques
Over time, you’ll be able to tell which techniques work the best for your company.
If you see that some are yielding all your results while some are yielding none of your results, stop allowing useless techniques to take your time and energy. Instead, concentrate more heavily on the techniques that are working for your business.
Make Sure your Company is Visible on Google My Business
Google My Business ensures that your business is in an index of companies within your area. For example, if someone Google’s “[insert business]near me,” Google My Business would bring up your business, including its hours, location, contact information and website.
Advertise Cheaply (or for Free!)
Email campaigns are a great way to advertise for no cost. By sending out newsletters about what’s new at your company or special offers, you can get the word of your business out to potential customers without having to pay a penny.
Though social media ads aren’t exactly free, posting on social media platforms is, and it can help word of your business spread.
For a small cost, you can create signage for your business that will be seen around your area, which can create business.
Driving past the same logo every day will create brand awareness for your company. Even if it’s not a priority at the moment for a potential customer, seeing your brand often will ensure that you are the first company they resort to when they do need your services.
Be Passionate About your Company
If you are passionate about your company, chances are good that you can land some great free marketing opportunities.
For example, a local news or radio station could offer to interview on the air which is a great means of marketing that won’t cost you a penny!
General Habits and Tactics to Keep in Mind:
When you consider all the ways you can generate leads, there are a few smaller things you should remember as well.
Keep business cards handy
Buy yourself a box of business cards and carry them around with you. These are great for exchanging at networking events or if someone you cross paths with needs your service.
This will get you closer to potential leads and also appear professional.
You can find some great affordable business cards online or in printing stores.
Speak out
Volunteer to speak at trade shows or professional meetings to get your name and your brand to be better known. Talking about your own company is especially easy because it’s what you know best!
Know what to say
Keep an “elevator-pitch” handy at all times. This goes somewhat hand-in-hand with the business card tip. If someone asks about your company and what services you offer, be sure to have something on hand to say to them that will essentially be a mini-pitch. This tactic could turn one random meeting into a lead.
Be responsive
Make sure you respond to questions asked on social media or via email. It’s also important to interact with your followers and let them know you are happy to answer any questions they may have.
Personalize content
The more you personalize your blogs, ads, and emails, the more attention you will receive. Try to stray away from making generalized statements, but rather use your blogs, ads, and emails as marketing tools. Mention specific niches that could use your business to make them feel like you care specifically for them.
Are you Ready to Start Lead Generation for your Business?
No matter what kind of services you offer, we know lead generation, and we can’t wait to watch your company gain more leads and revenue.
Contact us today for a free quote and to learn more about our lead generation services.